It is time for a change.
I will be redesigning this website, improving its function and usefulness as a resource. I am looking for someone who would like to assist me in taking this site to the next step - increasing traffic and generating income. What better place to recruit an individual than from readers.?
I considered making this posting more obvious it its mission. But I want a serious individual. If you have gotten this far, then I know you are the type of person who reads and looks below the surface.
I am looking for someone who can put some time in on a daily basis. I have ideas and leads but I also am looking for someone proactive who will also research and implement ideas of their own. At this time, the position is not open ended - we will agree to a specific time commitment and evaluate the results in order to decide if it is fruitful to continue the relationship.
I am not necessarily looking for a professional marketer or someone with a business background - what I am budgeting for this project would preclude that. However, I am looking for someone who is ambitious and has some passion for this website. If you are that person, PLEASE EMAIL ME HERE. Include any background information, experience, ideas or proposals you might have. I'm looking for a passenger in that turn in the road ...
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