They manufacture many products using an accordion-like, honeycomb structure. You just want to touch these things and of course many do. They have a line called LiquidCardboard which transforms from one shape to another. They move and articulate, much like a slinky.
There are also a number of wonderful fantasy constructions for children - a lemonade stand, playhouse, fort, dollhouse, tepee and a rocket ship, which is a personal favorite. As a child I dreamed of being on a rocket and as a high school student belonged to a rocketry club. I think boys and rockets are almost synonymous.
The honeycomb cardboard they use is recycled and the adhesives are natural too. They have an online store (website here) in addition to their retail location in SoHo at 410A West Broadway. These are the types of places that make this city a unique place to peruse. Look twice because you may miss it. New York is like an oyster bed, you just have to look for those pearls ...
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