If you saw my posting - Interruption, you know that I have been engaging in a renovation project in my home. Because of this, the blog has suffered some here and there in the last week. Perhaps it is bad form to make apologies for anything a person produces for the public, but I have commited to a daily publishing schedule and it is extremely difficult to work in this environment. I do feel I want to make visitors here aware that this process is extremely disruptive as anyone who has lived IN a constuction site will attest.
Right now I am typing this on a laptop in bed, the only place left that is reasonably clean. Everything is in disarray, all my belongings have been in boxes for weeks, dust is everywhere. Workers will arrive at any moment.
Rather than make a half hearted effort and a mediocre posting, I am sharing with you a REAL slice of NYC life in the spirit of Eric's original concept.
I hope to get back on track next week with more focus. Thanks. Brian Dubé.
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