So out into the night with camera in hand - it was quite amazing on the streets. I don't recall ever witnessing this kind of fanfare over a presidential election. There was all manner of revelry including the occasional firecrackers. I was fortunate to overhear a directive from one of the students - "let's head to Union Square." A brilliant idea, since Union Square would most likely be a downtown nexus for celebration.
One block from Union Square on University Place I overheard someone say "they have no idea what they're in for when they turn that corner." And right he was - an enormous crowd had already gathered and an impromptu tent had been created with a huge American flag. The general feeling in Union Square and the streets was quite exuberant. I overheard one young person conclude a conversation on his cell phone: "I'm so happy Mom. I love you."
Leaving blame aside, there has been a malaise over this nation and desire for change. The unpopular mideast policies and the recent banking debacle and resultant market crash are adequate reasons to galvanize the public. This was a vote for change. From today's New York Times:
The election of Mr. Obama amounted to a national catharsis — a repudiation of a historically unpopular Republican president and his economic and foreign policies, and an embrace of Mr. Obama’s call for a change in the direction and the tone of the country.
Optimism and hope for a renewed America and improved policies and international relations was echoed in the media around the world. I do hope that the change will be good for this country and that President Obama proves to be an able captain.
For a time, the voice of change should buoy the spirits of our ailing country. And time will tell if Mr. Obama can deliver on the promises of hope ...
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