I thought you might like an update on my close encounters with the other kind. Some of you may recall the posting I did
Out There which got quite a response (
click here). I have since met the mystery man -
André, who always seems to be
outrageously dressed - that's him on the left sporting a new outfit. I see him regularly in the neighborhood and we always say hi - he is most cordial. On my first meeting after the posting I did, I introduced myself, gave him my card, told him that he had been featured on this site and that I had entitled it "Out There", saying bluntly but in a complimentary tone: "you have to admit - you are rather out there." Friends cringed when I told them about my remark, but he was pleased to have been featured and his response was quite positive (as I expected): "I like to think of myself as Fashion Forward." I love that. Most recently I saw him in the most outrageous, fanciful outfit - glittering, futuristic style - unfortunately I did not capture it on camera. The other person on the right photo I found very smartly dressed. I met him in Tompkins Square Park. I have posted on a number of individuals who, let's say, are rather unconventional and
exhibitionistic, most notably
Spike and
Narcissism Gone Wild. Of course, some may consider these people rather tame in the world of body alteration: tattooing, piercing, branding, scarification,
subdermal implants, and even cornea tattooing.
Katzen the Tiger Lady, e.g. has full body tattoos resembling that of a tiger with whiskers attached via piercings on her face (I have met her and have photos of the two of us). She was once married to The Enigma, a sideshow performer who has had extensive body modification, including horn implants and a full-body jigsaw-puzzle tattoo ...
Posts of the Unusual. Click on any of the following 7 links:
Out There,
Narcissism Gone Wild,
Spring Madness, Superheroes,
Snake Charmer and
Circus Amok
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