I had no idea what the inspiration for this was. Unfortunately I did not get the opportunity to ask - the character and guide were quite busy adjusting the wardrobe and negotiating a slow, careful, coordinated promenade down the block and through the crowd at the recent Kitchen Highline Block Party.
Click here for more photos. This was the visual tour de force of the day with oohs and ahs and cameras snapping. I tried to ascertain whether this beauty is a character of literature, myth, fable, children's story, opera, ballet, traditional ethic figure - or is he/she just an original creation? Note that person who is visible walks on stilts. Then on close examination of the photos I took, I noticed a paper-cutout drawing hanging around the neck of the companion - enlarging the photo shows what appears to be a multi-limbed character with the title "Mr. Moon" clearly labeled below it.
Click here for the evidence. But is Mr. Moon the main character or guide? An online search reveals a number of characters named Mr. Moon (including a children's book called
Pink Magic). But I don't find a mention of a multi-legged character. Any suggestions?
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